Reclaiming Quiet

What the midst of starting this post, the new mama kitty chases our resident cat Thomas down the hallway meowing and hissing at him. Another shining example of how life gets in the way when we are trying to accomplish things. I have wanted to reclaim quiet for some time now.

What do you do to accomplish this? Do the sudden demands of everyday life seem to be preventing you from accomplishing your goals? My goals recently have just been to get my bathroom and kitchen floor mopped! It has been one of those weeks.

I am however going to the hardware store today to purchase the hula hoop making items for our 30 day challenge next month. I wondered if posting a video of the process might be easier than a post with pictures. What do you think?

Well, I'm off to get those goals accomplished. Who knows, I might even be able to find a little quiet in planting some flowers outside today. :)

Happy Wednesday friends!

Lots of love and hugs,



Dianna said…
I agree, quiet is so hard to come by some weeks. It seems rare lately that I am just able to stay home and take care of things—I have so many obligations to fulfill and errands to run!
E McL said…
Quiet?! Haven't you seen the definition of boys, "Noise covered with dirt." I am working on my projects interspersed with ignoring them. Enjoy your new additions and don't sweat the rest. It's only about a month... then it gets really bad. Don't forget to laugh dear friend, it keeps it all in perspective. Love you!

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