Coloring Eggs for Easter Using Kool-Aid
Lent is nearing a close. Next week is our spring break, then following that is Palm Sunday. This year has really flown by. Where is that darn pause button?
I remember coloring eggs with the kiddos the week leading up to Easter. They loved the time with me, as much as I loved spending time with them. And after the annual egg hunt and Easter service on Sunday morning, I made deviled eggs to serve with Easter dinner.
In the past I always purchased the store bought egg coloring kits. It seemed to me like you were just paying for packaging, really. And no matter how long I left the eggs soaking in the vinegar, they just wouldn't get any darker.
Well today I'm going to show you how to color eggs at home with kool-aid! It's super easy to do, and there are such a unique assortment of colors. And besides it takes very little time and if I say so myself, smells pretty amazing, too.
So let's get started. Here's how.
You will need to start with hard boiled eggs. See my post in the link below for an easy way to hard boil eggs that won't leave the center yolk a yucky green-ish color.
How To Make Hard Boiled Eggs
Secondly, you want to choose what colors you want. I chose an assortment of colors. I used grape, peach mango, cherry, watermelon, tropical punch, orange, green apple, lemonade, and blue raspberry lemonade. I guarantee not many other moms will have eggs these colors. :)
Add one packet of color per mug/glass.
Stir each cup well.
Once the time is up, carefully remove each egg from the mug/glass and place on a plate lined with a paper towel. They will need to dry fully. This will take between 15 and 30 minutes. And then voila', beautiful colors of eggs.
First, if your counter top is an ivory color like mine, take precautions as not to spill the kool-aid on the counter. Since it's concentrated it could stain.
Secondly, don't "check" your eggs as they dye because this will chip the color off in the process.
Thirdly, have fun!
I will be taking a little time for some R &R next week, but will be back the following week with new posts and recipes.
Have a wonderful week, friends!
