Pondering Worth

 This is something I seem to be struggling a lot with recently. I tend to focus on what I haven't done rather than what I have. And I know that this is negative thinking. However the thoughts in my head are that I didn't accomplish enough, or that I have failed as a wife and mother. My daughters are now teenagers, so I try to decipher is it just teenage attitude, or is it me.

Yesterday morning as I was questioning my worth, I opened my back door to see the sunrise. I love that my back door has an open screen where I can feel the breeze and smell the dew in the air. As I opened the door, the bells at the catholic church chimed. I looked at it as a sign, that all will be alright. A short time later it came time to take my daughter to school, as we exited the front door the bells peeled.

I consciously try to look for signs that God is all around and that He is in control.

These are a few questions I have asked myself lately...

*Am I in His will?

*How can I improve the way I react?

*What can I say in response to be understanding and yet encouraging, and not come off as "jerky". (I tend to lean towards sarcasm) Not good...

This is just what has been on my heart recently.

I wish you a wonderful, refreshing week-end friends!

All my love,


E McL said…
I am grateful for good friends, like you, who are also a great example. After returning home last night at 8pm to see my neighbors finishing my project of pulling out all the overgrown and rather hideous honeysuckle to make way for my veggie garden. There are many times I know I lack appreciation, grace, and love for those that have been kind to me (especially with my family.) I am grateful for those that remind me of the work I need to do in this life to love others. To wake up and do good. Here's to you, your service, your sacrifice, your hard work... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsHqi8alJsQ

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