International Frugal Fun Day

Otherwise known as National Frugal Fun Day. It is on the first Saturday of the month!

The Origin of Frugal Fun Day 
I got the idea and the origin for frugal fun day from the web site:

Below is what they have on their website about the origin of frugal fun day.

"This special day was created by Shel Horowitz, author of The Penny-Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant's Pocketbook. We strongly suspect Frugal Fun Day was created, in part, to promote the book. Regardless of the reason for creating this day, we see nothing wrong with having a little inexpensive fun."  

 Do something as a family or with friends that is inexpensive. Have a movie night at home, go and see the changing leaves, have a picnic (it's perfect weather for that here since we are now out of the triple digits).

Here is a previous post about our frugal Friday nights!


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